Though the pit bull type dogs were all created with similar crossbreeding between bulldogs and terriers, each individual breed within the type has a somewhat different history. There are an estimated 77.5 million owned dogs in the United States. however, the number of pit bull-type dogs has not been reliably determined... !!
When one goes out to purchase an American Pitbull Terrier, they are often confronted by the different bloodlines that are available today. When advertised, one finds that the breeder often mentions that the pups are Rocky, Carver, Spike, Hank, Zebo, Booger, Yellow, Sundance, Palladin, Royal Red etc. Where do these names come from? What do they mean?
The different bloodlines don't have anything to do with the colour or size of the Pitbull or that only certain bloodlines carry the rednose gene, all the bloodlines have their unique blueprint.
Pitbull breeders breed certain bloodlines for unique qualities, characteristics or features that they find appealing, whether it's for big heads, large bone structures, gameness, size, colour etc. Every Pitbull has his own unique trait or personality.
There is no such thing as a redline, blue blood or royal blood. Pitbull but is in fact a status used on certain pedigree certificate done by other registering bodies indicating how many imports, champion or grand champions there are in the pedigree, in other words, how well the Pitbull was bred.
When choosing a certain bloodline one should do a little homework first by finding out as much as they can on what qualities that certain bloodline holds. Contact Breeders who breed a certain bloodline/s or go to a Pitbull show to see them in action.
I've come across many Breeders and Pitbull owners who tell me they have a certain bloodline or so they were told, yet on inspection and investigation of their Pitbulls pedigrees it proved otherwise.
The National Dog Breeders Council is there to help you make the correct choice and decision when purchasing an American Pitbull Terrier.
Many bloodlines today have originated from Imports, Champions, Grand Champions, Kennels or Breeders that produced and still produce top quality American Pitbulls that have continuously proved themselves time and time again.
I have included a couple of the well-known bloodlines found in South Africa and around the world today and have given a little history on where they've originated from..
Blue Nose Pits
That’s not to say that all pit bulls are the same, but any differences between them have nothing to do with the coloring of the dog.
Still, blue nose pitbulls are beautiful, and, regardless of what the media would have you believe, they make good pets. Here are a few things you should know before choosing to purchase or adopt one.
• They do not necessarily make great guard dogs.
Many people choose pit bulls because they want a great guard dog. The truth is that while pits, including blue nose, display fierce loyalty to their owners, they are typically very friendly, even with strangers. These dogs can be trained to be guard dogs, but be sure if you choose to do this that the training is done by a professional and that you are able to call the dog off with one command.
• They may display animal aggression.
While pitbulls are not usually aggressive toward humans, they are often animal aggressive. This means that you should not leave your pit bull alone with other animals. Instead, always supervise even if the dogs have played together for years. Also, if your blue nose has not been socialized with other dogs, it is not a good idea to drop by the dog park one day. You have no idea how he will react to being around so many other dogs. Once your pit bull gets riled up over another dog, it is very difficult to call him off (unless, of course, he’s had the proper training).
• They are stubborn, so obedience training is recommended.
Even if your blue nose pit seems to be the most well-behaved dog you’ve ever seen, it is a good idea to put him through obedience training anyway. Remember that this is a strong dog. It is better to put the training in place so that if a situation arises you’ll have the confidence to know he will immediately obey your commands.
• They can jump.
A four foot fence just isn’t going to cut it. Your blue nose is strong, and he is also very agile. If he sees something interesting on the other side of that four or five foot fence, there is a very good chance that he is going over. Instead, install at least a six foot fence. Also, a privacy fence is a better option than a chain link, especially if you live on a busy street.
Blue nose pits are beautiful animals and wonderful pets. Just don’t get tricked into paying a premium because of the dog’s coloring. Better yet, adopt from a shelter. Save your money, and save a life.
And here is a picture of a blue nose puppy.
Gator Pitbull, separate facts from fiction
When someone is considering the purchase of a pitbull puppy, they will sometimes say that they are looking for a “Gator Pitbull.” One should wonder, when hearing that, if the person truly understands what a Gator Pitbull is, or if he just wants one based on rumors about the dog.
The term Gator Pitbull refers to a pitbull puppy that comes from the Gator bloodline.
Some say that this specific bloodline was bred in order to be excellent fighters. This may or may not be true, but at this point it doesn’t really matter.
The reason that it doesn’t matter is that the Gator bloodline has been so watered down over the years that there is no way to guarantee which gator traits your puppy will or will not have.
Many of the traits commonly associated with Gator pitbulls have to do with their ability to fight until the death. That would beg the question as to why someone would be looking for a dog specifically because it had such traits.
Because dog fighting is illegal, not to mention a disgusting way to abuse these animals, why would anyone need a dog that is an excellent fighter?
Of course there are those who may want a pitbull from the Gator bloodline simply because, in some circles, this is a thing of prestige. But because, as mentioned earlier, the breed is so watered down, it truly is just a matter of paying a lot more money for the same dog that could be adopted for a fraction of the cost.
Because of the gross mistreatment of pitbulls, shelters all over the country have an abundance of them up for adoption. In many locations, the shelters can’t keep up with the demands and as a result many pitbulls that would make great family pets are euthanized.
Another point to consider is that because some disreputable breeders know that some people may search for a Gator Pitbull, many list their dogs as such even if there is no reason to think that the dog is actually related to the Gator bloodline.
Again, with the bloodline so watered down, you’re taking a chance when purchasing a dog based on the hopes that it is part of that bloodline.
As for making a great pet, there is no reason to think that even a true Gator Pitbull is going to have traits that will make it a more loyal,or loving dog. Instead of purchasing a dog based on its popularity (whether for good or bad reasons), make a list of traits that are important to you and find a good match that way. You will find that all pitbull puppies have the potential to make loving and loyal pets.
Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a dog that may or may not have a strong Gator bloodline, consider adoption instead. The adopted dog may not have been bred to fight until the death, but it will make a loving family pet that will be forever grateful to you for saving its life..Red Nose Pits
Each year thousands of people purchase red nose pits. This is not bad news as the dogs, if they are properly trained and treated right by their owners, make wonderful family pets.
What is bad news is that many people pay a premium for the dogs thinking that red nose pitbulls are somehow more valuable or less common than other pit bulls.
This is not true.
Unfortunately, as in every industry, there are people who breed dogs who love to find ways to take advantage of their customers.
One way that some bad breeders have found to do this is to perpetuate the myth that rednose pits have more value than other pits.
No one knows for sure where they originated, but one theory is that it started with a line of pit bulls from Ireland called Old Family Red Nose.
This particular line of pit bulls was distinguished by their red noses, golden eyes and red coat. The theory is that folks nicknamed these dogs “red noses” and the rest, as they say, is history.
So are all pits that have a red nose descended from this line? No, they are not. One of the many traits of the Old Family Red Nose is that the dogs had red noses. That’s a trait that some owners prefer, but it does not make the dog more valuable than a pit bull with a black or blue nose.
The reason that breeders can keep charging a higher price for red nose pitbulls is that there are people who are willing to pay it. As long as there are people who buy into the myth that a certain coloring makes a pitbull
more valuable, these disreputable breeders will continue to rip people off.
Of course, there is an easy way to avoid being ripped off by such breeders: Adoption!!
There are thousands of them in shelters all over the country. Many will be put down because there simply aren’t enough homes for them all. While some worry about adopting an adult pit bull as they would not know the history of the dog, those fears can be allayed, at least in part, by the fact that most shelters put their dogs (especially pit bulls) through stringent temperament tests before allowing them to placed up for adoption.
Adoption is an option that allows those who prefer red nose pits to find one without having to pay a higher price or haggle with breeders who try to charge a premium. Even if you are certain that you want a puppy, rather than a full-grown pitbull, you still have a good chance of finding one through a shelter or rescue agency.
You can start your search at the local SPCA or humane society. If you have no luck, you can try online sites such as Petfinder.
Whether you buy or rescue your rednose pit
, he is sure to become a valuable member of your family, even if he isn’t “more valuable” than pit bulls with different coloring
Rednose pit taking a nap =)
As we all know that how much this breed is abused in different states because of some people who take wrong advantage of this breed like they use to arrange pitbull fights and make money !
but if we take an overview about this great dog , we will get to know that this breed is preety good then some others.
What would be the ideal owner for this breed?
The ideal owner of a pit bull is an extremely responsible person committed to the care, training and exercise of their dog. Such an owner should be knowledgeable about the breed (or at least willing to learn), very aware of the dog aggressive but people loving nature of the breed, and dedicated to protecting not only their dog, but also the breed as a whole from the continuing media hysteria generated by bad press and bad owners. The ideal owner of a pit bull would never allow their dog to roam the neighborhood, be off leash in a public place or around strange dogs, and would not leave their adult pit bull alone and unsupervised with another dog of any breed, since fights can start between unsupervised dogs, especially dogs of the same sex, and such fights can have serious consequences. This owner would spay/neuter, make sure their dog remains socialized with all types of people, contain their dog securely when not supervised by an adult, obedience train their dog, and insure that their dog is well exercised every day. This owner would NOT be looking for a guard dog, as pit bulls are typically very people friendly and not naturally inclined toward "man work." This owner would either have no other dogs or an altered dog of opposite sex, since many pit bulls are same sex aggressive and can be placed with a non-dominant dog of opposite sex.
Is this breed good with children in general?This breed tends to love all people, especially children. The only caution I would add is that, because they are very exuberant and energetic dogs, they can sometimes overwhelm very young children and accidentally bump them or knock them over, particularly when they are pups (under 2 years old).
Is this breed good with other dogs in general?
The short answer is no. Developed for the purpose of fighting other dogs, most pit bulls are dog aggressive, at least to some degree. Some pit bulls will simply not tolerate any other dogs, regardless of sex. A few pit bulls will remain dog friendly their entire lives, but they are a minority.
The majority of pit bulls are at least same sex aggressive and as adults will not do well with other dogs of the same sex or those that are "pushy" with them, although as pups they may get along fine (this can be very misleading to a novice pit bull owner). Pit bulls will commonly start developing signs of dog aggression between the ages of 8 months and 2 years, although it can develop at any age and can come on either gradually or quite suddenly. It is important to note that many pit bulls do not display the "typical" signs of dog aggression before a fight. They may not growl, bark, or posture at all, but simply alert and raise up on their toes. Owners of dog aggressive pit bulls learn to "read" their dogs and recognize the subtle signs indicating impending dog aggression. Training will not eliminate dog aggression in the pit bull but, when combined with responsibility and vigilance, training can bring these natural tendencies under control in on-leash situations. Where housemates are concerned, if one is a pit bull, extra care should be taken to prevent tension over food, desirable treats (like bones), and favored toys. These items are often "triggers" for spats or fights between dogs sharing the same house and owners should be very aware of them. This is also the reason that an adult pit bull should NOT be left alone with housemates or other dogs. Due to their fighting heritage, many pit bulls do not recognize signs of submission given by a dog they are fighting and, if they are unsupervised, the results can be disastrous. It should be noted that many breeds have dog aggressive tendencies, and leaving any such breed unsupervised with another dog, especially a dog of the same sex, can lead to a tragedy.
Other relevant information:
The pit bull is typically a people loving, intelligent and fun breed. Many excel at obedience training and dog sports such as agility, weight pull, frisbee, and flyball. Due to their affinity with people, this breed is a good candidate for rescue and adoption, but potential homes need to be carefully screened to insure that the new owners understand and accept the responsibility of owning a pit bull. Media hysteria and bad owners have greatly damaged this breed and every incident involving a pit bull makes it worse for the entire breed and their owners, often prompting breed specific legislation or breed bans.
Potential owners need to be informed of the pit bull's correct temperament, and need to be prepared to deal with the issue of dog aggression. Most pit bulls have a high prey drive and may chase small animals or livestock. This is NOT a breed for everyone! The only way to repair the pit bull's bad reputation is to keep them in the hands of responsible owners.
A True StoryA man was out walking his Pitbull off lead through the woods. When the Pit turned and started walking off in a different direction the owner called the dog back to him. The dog didn't listen, he obviously had something on his mind. This was so uncharacteristic of this particular dog, who always followed his owner, always listened to every command, that the owner of the Pit decided he had better follow his dog to see where he was going. The Pitbull led him to a secluded part of the woods, where an autistic boy had gotten himself into a deep mud hole and could not get out. The Pit proceeded to walk right up to the boy and lick his face. This story was told to me by the father of the autistic child. He stated, "The dog saved my son's life that day. Had it not been for that Pitbull, we never would have found my son."
Some great pits :
Now if we will talk about pitbull fightings or DOG FIGHTINGS in PAKISTAN so yes people here use pitbulls for fighting.