Friday, 26 August 2011

Bully Kutta

The Bully Kutta has a short smooth coat that is usually predominantly white in color. However fawn, black, harlequin, red and brindle markings are seen as well. The muzzle is black and the skin around the neck and mouth is loose. The brisket is deep and the limbs are very well muscled. The back is extended with the tail tapering to a fine point. The ears are set high on the large skull and pricked. It has a long and graceful stride. The males vary from 32 to 42 inches and the females vary from 28 to 36 inches tall. They usually weigh 150 to 170 and few bullys have been known to reach over 200 pounds. They are very muscular and thick boned.


Pakistani Mastiff Appearance

Weight:140-210 pounds
Height:30-42 inches
Activity level:Moderate
Learning rate:HighTemperament:High
Guard dog ability:HighWatch-dog ability:High
Life span:


The “Beast from the East”, a title given to the Bully Kutta because of its aggressive nature in the cruel and bloody sport of dog fighting, it is otherwise a very intelligent and noble breed.Above all, it must be handled by the most experienced dog handlers. However, with proper socialization and appropriate training, the Bully Kutta can make an amenable companion for responsible and knowledgeable owners. They can be very protective, having a strong guarding instinct due to the nature of the breed. The Pakistani Bully Kutta is a powerful mastiff, strongly-boned and muscular. Long-legged and wide-chested, this breed is an agile and resilient, capable of great speed and known for its impressive stamina. The head is large with a strong muzzle and well-developed jaw. A pure-bred Bully Kutta is also famous for its tiger-like stride and movement, which sets it apart from other breeds.

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